Posts in Listicle

It's true what they say: If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Nothing is more true for owning your own business. Owning your own business can give you a sense of pride and accomplishment, but it can also come with unique processes and challenges to overcome in order to fully establish and run your business. 

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5 Tip Tuesday: How to Publicize Your Event

Public relations and event planning go hand in hand. Including public relations in your event planning process will make all the difference in the success of your event. Public relations can be used to create a buzz of excitement around your event and attract all the right people. The more people and media channels that know about and attend your event, your ticket sales, social media presence, and attendance will grow naturally.

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5 Tip Tuesday: 5 Resolutions for 2015

We know you’re in holiday mode, so this week’s 5 Tip Tuesday post is short and sweet. If you’re a believer in New Year’s resolutions, this is the week to decide what you're going to add or subtract from your lifestyle in order to make this year better than the last. Call us biased, but we think your 2015 would be a whole lot better with a little more Black Leopard in your life. Here are 5 things you should do with Black Leopard Public Relations in the new year:

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5 Tip Tuesday: Must-Do Marketing for Your Business

No two businesses are exactly alike. Different businesses require the use of different tactics to appeal their customers. This week, we’ve picked out five different types of small businesses and chosen one helpful marketing tip for each of them. If you’re starting out in any of these industries, you may want to consider these tips.

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5 Tip Tuesday: How Doing What We Love Helps Us Help You

We love what we do. We put an immense amount of time and energy into Black Leopard Public Relations, and we really wouldn’t have it any other way. Our love for this business drives us to go above and beyond for our clients. Here are five reasons why loving what we do helps us help you. 

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5 Tip Tuesday: 5 Things We’ve Done That You Should Too

Like you, we are entrepreneurs. One of the benefits of working with us is the fact that everything we recommend to you, we’ve tried ourselves; we know it works. So, this week we’re giving you 5 things we’ve already done that you should be doing too.

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5 Tip Tuesday: How You Can Support a Woman In Business

We’ve made it clear that we want to see more women succeed in the workplace. Too many women are afraid to go after what they want, and those without apprehension are still faced with a number of obstacles. This week, we’ve got 5 tips on how you can support a woman in business. 

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5 Tip Tuesday: How to Appeal to Your Audience

Your audience should be everything to you. If your viewers (or customers) aren’t happy, your business is in trouble. All of your actions, both online and off, affect the way you are perceived by potential clients. This Tuesday, we’ve got 5 tips on how to appeal to your audience.

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5 Tip Tuesday: How to make up your Mastermind

Let the record show I have never coached a mastermind group (confession is good for the soul). But I am in one that has developed spontaneously from a larger group and I must admit it is one of the best things for my business. I am so appreciative of the group of business women I have met this year who have encouraged me, given me tips, allowed me insights into their business journeys, traded valuable contacts and #netwerked with me to create more client relationships and better  services than I could ever have done on my own. They say it takes a village to raise a child. I say it takes a political party to grow a business. 

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5 Tip Tuesday: How to be a great mentor

When you hire a new employee your relief at getting some help with your business needs can be overwhelming. Help, FINALLY! Don't let your feelings of relief overtake your feelings of responsibility. As Superman's father said "With great power comes great responsibility." You aren't just a boss, manager or overseer you are a mentor. Say it loud, say it proud "I am a mentor!"

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