5 Tip Tuesday: 5 video editing tutorials you should watch

Video marketing is essential for your business to reach your customers online. Makeup artists have been using videos heavily through makeup tutorials on YouTube for a few years now but video marketing works for other types of businesses too. Small retailers are now including video in their online stores, media companies capture your attention on every platform through video and even teenage entrepreneurs are using video blogging to  earn money. No matter what your business is in you will need to understand video marketing to exist in this competitive business environment and if you plan to do the video marketing yourself you will have to do some editing.  My mission is to help entrepreneurs market themselves and their businesses better! If you are learning to do video editing yourself here are a few of the best (simplest, most informative and most fun to watch) video editing tutorials I've come across so far.

1. Shameless Mya

Mya is detailed and professional, Love her.

2. JENerationDIY 

She's a teenager so the basics come naturally to her. She has grown up on photo and video editing and she explains it in a simple and natural way.

3. MyLifeAsEva

Another teen YouTube phenomenon, this girl has great advice for establishing and maintaining your youtube channel. 

4. ItsMyRayeRaye

5. Kandee Johnson

Her voice and the music she has chosen are annoying but the content is worthwhile. From lighting to camera and room set-up this is a nice overview of how to begin recording your videos. 

If you have tutorials on photo and video editing and production that you love please let me know in the comments below. 

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