Posts tagged salesperson
5 Tip Tuesday: Signs of a Salesperson

Learning to be a salesperson is a necessary part of being a successful entrepreneur. If you love what your business can do for others you will be motivated to sell yourself, your product or your service. Being pulled to do something from the inside is more powerful than being pushed to do it from the outside. Sales is not just something you have to do for your business, sales should be something you want to do for your customers.

Here are a few characteristics of great salespeople.

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Yes, You're a Salesperson

Cash is the oxygen of your business. Money is the thing that allows you to 'chase your dreams', keeps the lights on in your hoffice (home office), gives you constant mobile access to your customers when you're on the go and attracts amazing talent to working with you. Money is the key factor that defines a business. If it's not making money, it's not a business it's a hobby. 

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Social media content: let me be your Morpheus

So you are creating an online community for your product and have heard that social media has taken over the world! You are smart enough to understand your business needs an online presence and you already use social media to communicate with your friends. So what do you post on social media for your business? Great question! But first let us answer a question with a question...

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